Curb Bars Are Now Meta-Switch Be Bars!
Remember the Max Metaswitch Curb Bars? Thought so! Whilst they had an amazing fiber to calorie ratio to maximise weight loss, the taste factor was, meh! When you’re craving junk food, you need a smart weight loss bar that’s nutritious, satisfying, and most of all tasty! The Meta Switch Be Fiber & Protein Bars are […]

3 Ways Water Helps You Burn More Fat
Starting a new diet and want to burn the most fat possible? You might be surprised to know that drinking water can actually help as you try to shed those extra pounds. Everyone knows that drinking water is good for your body, but here are three ways that water can help you burn more fat. […]

Sneaky Misunderstandings About Weight Loss Plateaus
There are several sneaky misunderstandings about weight loss plateaus. The biggest misunderstanding is about water retention (also known as edema) or being dehydrated so that your body goes primal and starts holding onto it’s fluids. By the ways, gentlemen, it’s not just a girly issue. It’s become common knowledge how important water is when it […]

One of the Simplest Tricks for More Weight Loss
Everyone enjoys getting a good night’s sleep, which is why it’s a simple trick for more weight loss. Unfortunately, many of us don’t get enough sleep every night. Many people might know about the general health benefits of getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night. But did you know that maintaining a regular […]

Fiber: Easiest Tool for Weight Loss That Most People Mess Up!
Without a doubt, fiber is the most undervalued tool for weight loss that most people mess up. Getting the right kinds and amount of fiber is one of the easiest ways to increase weight loss. The fiber will also help clean out the “plumbing” which allows the whole body system to function and feel better. […]

Weight Loss Liar – The Media And Bathroom Scales Aren’t The Whole Truth
Losing weight isn’t easy and there are many thoughts that contribute to the weight loss liar stories. It’s a very personal journey millions of people start and restart many times. One of the biggest problems that some people have stems from their lack of self-esteem and negative thoughts about their bodies. The biggest destroyers of […]